Please see below roster with detail included below the table as to what these duties entail.
Committee Roster
Holly Jamadar Josie Jamadar Steph Munro Holly Robinson Sarah Rose Lachlan Peters Tess Herschied
If your team has been allocated a field and has noted 'set up' this means you are responsible for setting up the goals/nets/flag posts for your field. This is designated usually to the first teams of the day. A Committee member will have the equipment shed open for you so it is best to ensure you come down 10-15minutes earlier to assist in setting up.
If your team has been allocated a field and has noted 'pack away' this means you are responsible for packing up the goals/nets/flag posts for your field. This is designated usually to the last teams of the day. A Committee member will have the equipment shed open for you and will lock it up before leaving.
The Committee roster includes the name of the Committee members who will be available to assist you on the day. If you have any questions or concerns these people will be able to help you out.
The Above link will direct you to your fixtures. Click on your team to be directed to your weekly fixtures or download the GameDay App to keep them with you!